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seo price malaysia 2024

SEO Price Malaysia 2024: Comprehensive Breakdown of SEO Services and Costs

In the dynamic digital landscape of 2024, SEO remains a crucial strategy for businesses in Malaysia aiming to enhance their online presence and drive organic traffic. Understanding the prices associated with SEO services is essential for making informed decisions and maximizing ROI. This article provides:

  • A detailed breakdown of SEO prices in Malaysia for 2024.
  • Factors influencing the price of SEO services in Malaysia.


Types of SEO Services in Malaysia

Comprehensive SEO strategies involve both onsite and offsite optimization. Onsite SEO optimizes your website’s content and structure, while offsite SEO includes link-building and social signals. Combined, these services can range from RM2,000 to RM10,000 per month. These services can range from RM2,000 to RM10,000 per month. Let’s split the services by category. 


Onsite SEO

  1. Technical SEO ensures your website meets search engine requirements. This includes site speed optimization, mobile friendliness, and schema markup, and it typically costs between RM1,000 and RM5,000. Learn more about full technical SEO tasks
  2. Optimized website pages are crucial for SEO ranking and conversions. The cost of designing an SEO-friendly website ranges from RM5,000 to RM25,000, depending on the design complexity, number of pages and features.
  3. Regularly updated blogs are vital for SEO. Prices for blog article writing vary from RM250 to RM700 per article, based on the agencies’ experience and the depth of research involved.


Offsite SEO

High-quality backlinks are essential for improving domain authority. Backlink building services in Malaysia cost between RM500 and RM5,000 per month, depending on the quality and quantity of links. These are examples of backlinks you can get in Malaysia. 

  1. Guest blogging helps establish authority and gain high-quality backlinks. Depending on the publication’s reputation, prices for guest blogging services range from RM300 to RM3,000 per post.
  2. Collaborating with influential bloggers can significantly boost your SEO efforts. Blogger outreach services in Malaysia typically cost between RM100 and RM4,000 per campaign. The food and beverage industry usually applies these strategies when launching a business.
  3. Local SEO is crucial for businesses targeting specific geographic areas. Services include Google My Business optimization, local citations, and localized content creation, and they cost a few hundred ringgit as a one-time fee. 


Agency Vs Freelancer Packages in Malaysia

SEO agencies offer comprehensive services with a team of experts. Monthly retainers for SEO agencies in Malaysia range from RM1,000 to RM10,000, depending on the scope and scale of services. Freelancers offer more flexible and cost-effective options. Prices for freelance SEO services range from RM500 to RM2,000 per month, depending on their expertise and the services required.

Several factors influence the cost of SEO services in Malaysia:

  • Project Scope: Larger projects with more extensive requirements cost more.
  • Industry Competitiveness: Highly competitive industries require more intensive SEO efforts.
  • Service Quality: Higher-quality services from experienced providers come at a premium.
  • Goals and Objectives: Specific goals like local SEO or international reach affect pricing.

Download free SEO Checklist 2024


Understanding the SEO price landscape in Malaysia for 2024 is not just about budgeting but about making informed decisions. It’s about choosing the right services to enhance online visibility and investing in quality SEO services for long-term success. Whether you opt for an agency, consultant, or freelancer, partnering with a reputable SEO marketing agency in Malaysia can help you achieve your digital marketing goals and stay ahead in the competitive online marketplace.


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We are Malaysia’s first and only ISO9001-certified website design agency and Google Partner. Contact us if you are looking for SEO marketing Malaysia. Follow our social media for more updates.


Kang Xiang Lim

Kang Xiang commenced his professional journey by providing freelance web design services around Selangor, Malaysia. Knowing a website is necessary for every business, yet it can be difficult. The traditional processes for business owners in Malaysia to create a website and run digital ads are opaque, stressful, and slow. Fees aren't transparent, and some website designers' services are highly variable. We exist to make digitalization more straightforward, faster, and affordable for all. We understand the power of visibility. We promise to put you in front, right where it matters – when people actively search for your products or services online. For example, you found us when searching for "website design Malaysia" and related keywords. Let's talk!

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