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Automotive Company Logo Malaysia

Case Study: Automotive Company Logo Design and Branding

As a leading ISO9001-certified Google Partner agency in Malaysia, we pride ourselves on delivering top-tier design and branding services to our clients. Recently, we had the privilege of working with ES Premium Holdings Sdn Bhd, a distinguished name in the automotive industry with 26 years of experience. This case study delves into the process and success of designing a new automotive company logo and brand guide for ES Premium, capturing their essence of luxury, innovation, and high-end excellence.


Company: ES Premium Holdings Sdn Bhd is Malaysia’s beacon of premium automotive solutions and services. For over two decades, the company has consistently prioritized innovation, customer satisfaction, and a culture of shared goals. Their commitment to delivering superior quality and positively influencing lives through their automotive offerings made them an ideal client for our agency.

Logo: The logo resembles a diamond structure, symbolising luxury while emphasising its premium quality. The design captures the brand’s commitment to innovation and high-end excellence.



Project Objectives

The primary objectives of the project were:

  1. Logo Design: Create a logo that embodies the luxury and premium quality of ES Premium while emphasizing its commitment to innovation and excellence.
  2. Brand Guide: Develop a comprehensive brand guide that outlines the visual and stylistic elements of ES Premium, ensuring consistency across all branding materials.


Discovery Phase

The project kicked off with an in-depth discovery phase. We conducted several meetings with the key stakeholders at ES Premium to understand their vision, values, and market positioning. Key insights gathered included:

  • The desire to portray the brand as luxurious and premium.
  • A strong emphasis on innovation and forward-thinking.
  • It is important to reflect on their 26 years of experience and expertise in the automotive industry.


Automotive Company Logo Design Process

  1. Concept Development:
    • The symbolism of the Diamond: The logo’s diamond structure was chosen to symbolize luxury, resilience, and premium quality. Diamonds, one of the most valued and enduring gemstones, perfectly align with ES Premium’s brand values.
    • Innovative Elements: We incorporated modern and sleek lines within the diamond to reflect innovation and a forward-thinking approach.
    • Color Palette: A sophisticated colour palette was selected, featuring shades of black, gold, and silver. These colours were chosen for their association with luxury and high-end quality.
  2. Design Iterations:
    • Initial sketches focused on subtly integrating the diamond shape with automotive elements.
    • Several iterations were developed, each refining the balance between a luxurious feel and modern aesthetics.
    • Feedback from ES Premium was invaluable during this stage, ensuring that the final design accurately represented their brand.
  3. Final Design:
    • The final logo design featured a stylized diamond structure with interwoven lines, symbolizing a diamond’s facets and the interconnected nature of innovation and excellence.
    • The typography was elegant yet modern, reinforcing the brand’s premium positioning.



Brand Guide Development

With the logo finalized, the next step was to create a comprehensive brand guide. This document serves as the blueprint for all visual and stylistic elements of ES Premium, ensuring brand consistency across various platforms.

  1. Logo Usage:
    • Guidelines on how to use the logo across different mediums, including print, digital, and merchandise.
    • Clear specifications on logo proportions, spacing, and colour variations.
  2. Color Palette:
    • Detailed breakdown of the primary and secondary colors, including CMYK, RGB, and HEX codes.
    • Usage guidelines for maintaining visual consistency in different contexts.
  3. Typography:
    • Selection of primary and secondary fonts that complement the logo and overall brand aesthetic.
    • Guidelines on font sizes, weights, and usage scenarios.
  4. Brand Pattern:
    • Introduction of unique brand patterns inspired by the diamond structure in the logo. These patterns serve as a visual extension of the brand’s identity.
    • Specifications on the scale, color, and application of the patterns to ensure they complement the primary design elements without overpowering them.


Impact and Feedback

The rebranding effort received overwhelmingly positive feedback from both internal stakeholders and customers. Key impacts included:

  • Enhanced Brand Perception: The new logo and consistent branding materials significantly elevated ES Premium’s market presence, aligning its visual identity with its reputation for luxury and excellence.
  • Increased Engagement: The refreshed brand identity resonated well with customers, leading to higher engagement rates on social media and other digital platforms.
  • Internal Alignment: The brand guide helped unify the company’s internal and external communication, fostering a more robust, cohesive brand culture.


Our collaboration with ES Premium Holdings Sdn Bhd showcases the power of strategic design and branding in transforming a company’s market presence. By creating a logo that symbolizes luxury and innovation, coupled with a comprehensive brand guide, we helped ES Premium solidify its position as a leader in the premium automotive industry. This case study stands as a testament to our commitment to delivering excellence and driving our clients towards their branding goals.


digital marketing agency in malaysia

We are an ISO-9001 certified website design agency and Google Partner badged. This is our Google Partner certificate. If you want to build a professional automotive company logo and website for your business, contact us now.

Kang Xiang Lim

Kang Xiang commenced his professional journey by providing freelance web design services around Selangor, Malaysia. Knowing a website is necessary for every business, yet it can be difficult. The traditional processes for business owners in Malaysia to create a website and run digital ads are opaque, stressful, and slow. Fees aren't transparent, and some website designers' services are highly variable. We exist to make digitalization more straightforward, faster, and affordable for all. We understand the power of visibility. We promise to put you in front, right where it matters – when people actively search for your products or services online. For example, you found us when searching for "website design Malaysia" and related keywords. Let's talk!

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