5 Tips for developing website SEO tasks worksheet
Getting everything organized for an optimum SEO work is quite difficult; tools, local market searches, updates and specific study cases appear every second and it’s quite difficult to keep up with everything in abstract. So, if you want to begin with your SEO tasks or need to put order on your actual messy to-do issues, then keep reading this 5 tips for developing a helpful website SEO tasks worksheet
Tip #1: Goals are the starting point, no the arrival point.
Yes. We all know that everything we do on SEO, we do it for getting something in retribution for our website but, precisely because of that, the work should be pointing to the specific goal instead of finding it on the way. Set your goal following these steps:
- Make sure you can measure your goal.
- Be very specific.
- Write and share your goals, perspective always helps.
- Challenge yourself, get a stretch goal and work under pressure (you know it works!).
Tip #2: Check the funnels
Using Google Analytics, Google Webmaster (Search Console) or the pages alike allows you to monitor which funnels are actually working better for your conversions so you can give a boost on the ones that don’t or leave them out and focus on the ones that work.
Tip #3: Crawl your website
This will probably be the most fearful part and time consuming of the process; use some crawling tools to crawl your website as Google robots would and find out how many issues there are. They will always appear and the first times it will be overwhelming but don’t worry, everything will get better with time. You can work with your previous web developer or look for SEO consultant to execute those changes. Most likely changes are about the headlines, content, keywords, images optimization and meta tags. More information how to optimize search.
Tip #4: Management grid
Have you ever heard of those tools that are used for organizing your skills or priorities? Well, that’s exactly what you need – set keywords priorities! A good example is the Covey’s management grid where you can locate which tasks are and do them by following this order of priorities:
- Important and urgent
- Not urgent and important
- Urgent and not important
- Not urgent and not important
Tip #5: Reports
Keep your clients or yourself well informed about any strategy, campaign or movement in general by designing efficient reports that match the particular needs of your website. Now your website seo tasks is complete!
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